*WARNING: This blog is intended for a mature audience. Its contents may include adult situations, violence and sensitive issues that some people might find disturbing. Please read at your own discretion.

5 September 2013


Next update is taking me longer than I expected. It's not that I've put it on hold or anything; I'm working on it, only at a slower rate. Perhaps I'm suffering from a case of writer's block, idk. I hope I can have everything put together by next week, though.

Anyway, in the meanwhile, I thought about throwing in a little extra to go with Chapter 10 of A Pair of Brown Eyes (though if we count the Prologue, that would make for 11 entries). I'm already preparing a pic-spam of my so-called lots, since I just realised they don't get usually portrayed in my pics.

But, I'm rather clueless as to what else you might be interested in learning about my story (if anything at all), so I'd love to hear it from you. I don't know, if you have some questions about my characters or story lines, some things you'd like me to address to, or if you want me to give some background history... you name it! I'm pretty much new to either blogging or story-writing, so I don't know what I'm doing most of the time, and any comments or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

And, of course, thank you so much for reading! :-D


  1. I just caught up last night, and was going to comment today :)
    Loving it so far!
    What I want to know: What happened to Claire! LOL! Obviously you won't tell us that ;) To be honest, everything I want to know will most likely come out in the story anyway, so I won't ask you to release any info early.

    'So-called lots'. So-called?! LOL Are they not really lots? :p Yeah, I'd love to see pictures and floorplans of everyones houses! I'm really annoying in that I like to be able to see a doorway in one picture and know where it leads. I'm very curious like that ;)

    Hope you get over this block or whatever is going on soon! I think we all know what that's like, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

    1. Thank you so much! :-).

      Obviously I'm not telling you that ;-P LOL! Thanks for saying that anyway, I sometimes fear I might be doing it a little too confusing (that's the point, of course, but I just hope I'm not overdoing it).

      Well... some of them are lots, some others are more like "sets" or "stages", so yes, you guessed that right LOL.

      Thanks, I think I'm getting over it already (sort of). It's just that these last chapters are giving me much more work than I'm used to...

  2. I wouldn't have a clue that you had no idea about story writing. You write so well. ;D Wow that would be cool, seeing some pictures of the lots you made. In my experience with the blogging/story telling world, it's a free for all, as in, there isn't really anything you like HAVE to do, other than writing the story. XD
    I wish you well in figuring out your chapter. Sometimes I sit on chapters that I've written for a day or two, rereading them and adding things until they're perfect. =)

    1. Do I? Wow, thank you so much :-D. Honestly, this is the first "proper" story I've ever written, and I wasn't completely sure as to where it would lead me. My original draft had, like, 10 Chapters!, and now I'm getting to Chapter 10, and I'm not even half-way done... That means that lately, I've beeen writing some chapters from scratch, and those are giving me a headache LOL.

      I don't feel like I HAVE to do anything, --thanks for your words btw :-), you've already helped me!--, I just wanted to hear (read) from my readers your take on the matter.

      Thank you. That sounds like a wise piece of advice, I might try doing that next time :-).
